Wednesday, September 3, 2008

days of struggles

Do you ever have days when every thing seems to much to handle?
I know I certainly have.Days can sometimes seem to go on forever and everything seems to bother you, as my daughter says "gets on my last nerve". I've had days when I just wish I could go back to bed and start over or just plain go back to bed and stay there.
It's on those days I am glad I have the Lord to sustain me. I know I couldn't get through them on my own strength. On most of those days I can recall I had no strength at all. I use the bible verse Phil 4:13 which says " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I continue to be amazed at what I am able to accomplish when I feel so rung out but I put myself in my Saviors hands knowing He "will never leave me or forsake me" Heb 13:5. When I look back on one of my off days I can see how He has work in me and through me. It is always so precious to me to look back and know with out a doubt who cleaned the kitchen,cooked dinner, took care of a cross child or a husband who was out of sorts.
Ladies I pray you know my Lord and Savior, who died to save me, a nobody, from an eternal death separated from God forever. If you do; please call on Him on your off days, there will be many, He will walk you through them and then you can look back and say WOW He is here for me He has not forgotten me. I love the mental picture I get after one of my days, it's Christ reaching down from Heaven and holding tightly to my forearm as I grasp to reach His. You see sometimes we forget Him but He NEVER forgets us, His Children who He loves enough to die for.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today while baby sitting for a 6 week old child I learned something very important. It was, CHECK OUT RECALLS FOR OLDER BABY THINGS. I had the child in her swing in front of me while I read to her 2 year old sister when I heard a strange noise. I lowered the book to check on the baby and she had slid in the seat and her neck was between the the swing legs and the swing bar. Thank God she made a sound because she could have strangled in just a matter of seconds. I decided to try and report the incident and found out it had been recalled in 2007. It had been big sisters swing and had been put away for a while. The parents had not seen or forgot they had that type swing when it was first recalled and felt it was OK since sister used it. They were blessed. I told the Mom and she was shocked and was glad I had found out about this before her baby was hurt or killed. So PLEASE CHECK OUT ALL USED EQUIPMENT EVEN IF IT WAS YOURS FROM A PRIOR CHILD. Don't let your child become an accident that could have been prevented.

Now a thought just for you parents. Remember why you got married. Don't forget your spouse just because children come along. They will grow and leave home but you will live with your spouse forever. So remember to have fun times ALONE with your honey bunny and continue to grow together. You don't want to find yourselves with an empty nest and not be able how to enjoy each other. Please take this advice or you will have a lonely difficult time later in life trying to remember why you got married.
" My beloved is mine, and I am his." Song of Solomon 2:16

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I have to start somewhere

Being married is hard work. I didn't know this 25 years ago. My parents always made it seem so effortless. They had 6 (six) children 5 (five) girls and 1 (one) boy. We were raised Catholic but my parents didn't attend, they just made sure we did and that we got a Catholic ed. Both my parents worked for as long as I can remember. Our parents truly loved each other and it showed in the way they treated one another. Coming from a large family I realize now that we went without a lot, yet at the time I thought we were fairly well off. I never felt I went without because our parents taught us early to appreciate the things we had and to know the difference between wants and needs.
I feel kids today are not taught this and they assume they deserve every thing they want. Most get it now a days even if the parents have to go into debt or work two jobs just to pay for the kids wants. then they don't even appreciate the things much less the sacrifice the parents had to make to buy it for them. Parents today are to busy giving kids things and forgetting how important their time spent with their kids is. If children felt more love an acceptance they wouldn't have so many wants.
My heart goes out to kids today. They are missing so much.
As a child I didn't have all the cool cloths and or the latest gadget but I did have a family that loved me. We all played together, walked to school together, had a lot of the same friends and house was the house everyone wanted to hang out at. Mom and Dad always had time to make things fun at home. They even let us paint the inside of our garage all different colors and let us have parties on Friday nights. We would have 20 or more kids over and play records and dance, play games and just sit around and talk til 10:00 pm. Mom always had popcorn and kool-aid made for us and use that as a way of checking in on us. (I didn't realize that at the time).
My time is up for tonight so my prayer for tonight will be for parents and grandparents to see how neglect the kids are today and step up and take back their kids from this world and love them protect them and pray for them.